Perhaps a dumb or obvious question. Basic iron set up is arms out and to lower upper body from waist until iron meets the ground. I found that very helpful. For driver, does one lower until height of ball on raised tee instead? And at the forward ball location, instead of near the middle of our stance?
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Thanks, Tom. My question came up because if I first hover and center the driver at the ball, and then sole it, i.e. let it drop to the ground, the driver center moves back, as expected and the driver toe is more at the center of the ball. So if my preference is just to sole and then center, my actual swing will hit the ball with the heel. Which is what happens. As an aside, the problem also comes up at some ranges that use those hollow rubber tees, that sloppily are different heights. Just curious how others approach this. I’m just noticing lately that my 3H or wood hit farther or the same distance as my driver, and I’m trying to clean up the swing linkages/ set up, where I suspect the problem lies. Thanks again.