I have gotten my weight forward without issue, however I'm finding that my trail leg is just floating or seems that way. Weird, am I too weight shifted forward or should the trail leg feel this way? Seems not correct. Irons seem okay driver is a little off.
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Yes tension is one of my biggest problems. If I can get the tension out of the arms things go much better. If I am over the ball too long the tension builds. So having a quicker setup to swing is best for me.
probably I have very thick wrists and forearms that might account for some of the flexibility. Pretty strong arms and hands.
Yes thanks. I assumed that would be the answer. I did some video and was shocked to see that I had little wrist hinge. Now trying the golf glove under the trail arm pit. I think that makes a huge difference but wow is it hard to get used to. I will be sending videos. There is more off that just this and did not know it as I have always hit the ball pretty well.
@craig - Assuming you are transitioning from a prior "shift & lift" type of move, what you are feeling is what I would expect and want you to feel early in the process. That's one of the primary purposes of this 90% Weight Forward/Arms Straight Drill. Since it seems as though you are accomplishing this, the key for you at this juncture is to make sure that your head (and, consequently, your swing center) are not moving forward during this motion. A face-on view in a mirror or on video should give you instant feedback in this regard. Remember, the goal in your normal swing is to have 70% weight forward at the top of the backswing, 80% halfway down, 90% at impact, and 95% at the finish - so yes, from impact to the follow-through your trail leg will likely feel as though it has minimal - if any - pressure on it if properly executed.