@jaysenger - It all comes down to your downswing path, quality of impact, and shot shape. If you are approaching the ball from the inside, compressing it at impact, and achieving desired ball flight/distance, then there is no issue.
The hips must continue to move laterally targetward in the downswing all the way into impact (while the upper torso and swing center remain intact). If the lateral motion stops prematurely the rotation of the hips will take over and reroute the path across the ball. The correct hip action in the downswing is the combined lateral and rotational motions, and demonstrated perfectly by Mr. Hogan in this YT channel video.
@jaysenger - It all comes down to your downswing path, quality of impact, and shot shape. If you are approaching the ball from the inside, compressing it at impact, and achieving desired ball flight/distance, then there is no issue.
The hips must continue to move laterally targetward in the downswing all the way into impact (while the upper torso and swing center remain intact). If the lateral motion stops prematurely the rotation of the hips will take over and reroute the path across the ball. The correct hip action in the downswing is the combined lateral and rotational motions, and demonstrated perfectly by Mr. Hogan in this YT channel video.