"THIS TIP WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE" on Tilt (on YouTube) and the Keep Your Arms straight because your right arm will fold automatically (YouTube)-- on the first aforementioned video, Tom said that his hands and arms are dead. I was struggling with the 2.8 videos over 18 holes yesterday because my arms were tense. But when my hands and arms are dead on both the back swing and down swing and I begin with the hip contact is crispy and shots much farther. Plus, I can do the flying wedge!
Hi guys, was just wondering if there was a direct link for the 'dead arms' video on YouTube. I've had a look but can't see anything on there.
Definitely someone who uses arms/hands way too much.
Thanks in advance!
If my arms are not dead, especially on the downswing, there will not be a release and rehinge. IN fact, re-hinging the club was like a foreign language to me until I watched Tom do it. Alas, with the rehinge with a firm grip but loose wrists, and the finish, I outgrew my basement. Even with a wedge, I can hit the ceiling and pipes with a follow-though and rehinge.
I noticed your hands in the backswing are "flat" and there is no cupping of the hands. As I swing back my trail arm/hand is cupped . Is this a grip problem ? The only way I can't seem to eliminate this issue
This could be the tip I needed to continue my journey with 2.8. I've seen marginal improvements but it's fleeting and frustrating. I know full well that it will take time but as humans we are impatient and want instant results - sadly, that ain't gonna happen with years of swinging the golf club poorly and incorrectly. When I read through this something struck me - I'm still relying on my arms and hands and NOT letting my shoulders/torso/hips to do the work. Unless I read something wrong (in this and one other related post) then I know what I need to do and that involves exercising this: "Hands and Arms must be dead" I didn't quite get it when I first stumbled on this post but after reading through it and finding the related link on YouTube "THIS GOLF TIP WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! (The Secret to The Golf Swing)" it all started to click and I think I'm finally getting it. I'm going to put this into practice later today on my practice mat/net and see how it turns out for me...it's going to feel foreign, this I know but it must be done. I hope to be reporting back in a day or two with some positive feedback. :)
To tell you the truth, dead arms is all I am working on right now. I am starting each short practice session with wedge in my basement with dead arms riding on my chest and doing short pitch shots. Then, I do a full swing with the same feeling. That is the only way for me to play consistent for 18 holes on a full course. Tenser arms can work for short par 3's, but that is about it (and that 'aint much!).
I am a student of a couple Masters! One teaches golf! The other, I've dedicated my life. Regarding the reference in my last post about keeping the arms straight in one of Tom's YouTube videos: Obviously the right arm fold happens automatically at the top with straight dead arms/hands after a proper takeaway (hands in, club head out), however COMNG DOWN, I "manually" lower my right shoulder (not a natural consequence of the hip bump for me yet), THEN I do the MAGIC MOVE --a straight right arm coming into impact with a right tilt. Awesome and helps with sequence. IN sum, the bent right arm at the top is straight at impact as per above.
danny Dead hands/arms for me is helped by having the upper arms ride a bit (partially) on top of the chest. It connects them as per Tom and it is easier for me to have them ride along dead during the tilt of the backswing. WHAT ALSO HELPS-- my chipping, pitching and putting feels also have a dead arm feel too, powered by the shoulders. So, everything is mutually reinforcing.
An epiphany during Holy Week, @ihmpadre!! 😂 Nice self-discovery work (again)!!!
I think that was the most difficult thing for me to understand. Get the tension out! I'm still working to rid myself of it completely. But you're so right, when you get there, the swing just works and feels effortless with more distance!