So im finding this helpful but I dont know why,
Im 61 and I do have some left hip stiffness, working on this drill,
does make my swing easier but not sure why.
can turning my hips really be a issue taking me off the ball with my old swing?
Its a strange way to start your swing so im not very consistant yet.
@Rick Herring - This preset hip drill - which you can also make part of your setup for normal play (just like Steve Elkington did during PGA Tour events when he was learning Stack and Tilt) - takes the variable of an improper or insufficient hip turn out of your swing. The 45 degrees of tilted hip turn facilitates an effortless 45 degrees of tilted shoulder turn to give you a full 90 degrees, thereby making your swing "easier" like you say. This type of setup also keeps the weight forward where we want it, whereas someone trying to learn this swing may indeed tend to fall into old habits of turning more level and shifting weight into the trail side.
So whether this is something to temporarily help you "feel" the proper backswing hip and leg motions until you have ingrained them - or it becomes a setup feature that you make part of your everyday swing - is all up to you. Let your ball striking be your guide!