I love the shoulder turn and tilt drill with the extra long alignment sticks. On the course, here is my problem and it's related to the drill: my address starts great, properly stacked...but when I tilt and turn my shoulder I tend to bend forward at waist, (towards my belly) while I am tilting and turning.... this leads to my club head not returning to its starting point because I have bent over I'm lower and the club hits behind the ball... weight is properly forward, it's just I have shrunk myself a couple inches.... Im sure the head on the wall while you swing drill will probably fix it but what if any thoughts would be helpful on the course where I can't do these things?
@timmos1 @kipheeg - Might not help you guys but I heard this tip a long time ago... Instead of thinking "left shoulder down"... try thinking "pull my right shoulder behind my head". This is also a great swing thought for someone who doesn't turn fully.