Was curious if anyone used the feeling of punching the ball instead of swinging at the ball in the downswing. Obvious, it's a swing, but I find when I think of swinging at the ball, my shoulders start turning, I come over the top and slice the ball. However, when I think of cocking the trail wrist and elbow in the backswing and then feel like I'm trying to slap or punch the ball with the trail arm that I don't start turning my upper body so much.
It's the difference between an upper cut in boxing vs a round house swing. With the upper cut, your body stays stable, the lower shoulder turns, you come from underneath and your head stays in the same spot. With a round house, you come over the top, your whole body is turning (kind of like coming over the top) and your head goes forward.
To me, at least, it's a very different feeling. Feeling like a punch also causes me to push or extend my arms out after hitting the ball versus swinging my arms across my body to the inside when I think of swinging at the ball.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Great illustration Mark, and I'm working on that exact feeling now. I was out yesterday practicing 1/4 swings and punching at the ball, and hit nice push-draws without any of the nonsense that I introduce in the full swing, and the distance was respectable. I need to start small to introduce the feeling that I'm looking for.
I'm focusing on the trail arm coming through so my clubface is facing 45 degrees to the sky, similar to the impact snap device that I practice with. I feel i'm losing a lot of power not utilizing the trail arm enough on the downswing. Works in progress for me.
I like the feeling of keeping my back to the target as long as possible, feeling like i get the club back to the ball before the center of my chest passes it.
I’m finding the biggest problem from my old habits is “round-housing”. Mark—I’m going to try that and I bet it works great!
It's a very good feeling to ingrain, @Mark Helm. For example, have a look at the Flying Wedge Drill.
There's also a section of the school built around a trail arm-based swing, including that "punch" feel you mention. It's called The Simplest Golf Swing Ever class.
I like that