So, I've been really trying to let go of tension during the entire swing. In doing that, I was thinking that I should feel the wrists un hinging through impact. I'm glad a started videoing that effort! I was horrified to see it made me a flip and fall back swinger! I mean I was a poster child for this type of swing flaw! Needless to say, I've stopped that in very short order.
My shots, into the net, are feeling crispier all the time. I'm currently working on ridding my self of a move, at the transition that is taking my swing path over the top. I'm rotating to begin the downswing rather that initiating the hip bump. I'm also trying to get the club lower in the back swing to a more, around the body feeling.
I have to say, at this point, I've completely eliminated slamming the club into the ground behind the ball. This alone is just amazing to me. I was literally hurting myself, physically, with my old swing. Thanks for helping me stop beating myself up, Tom!! Both, emotionally and literally!!! It's nice to now, finally, know what crispy feels like!
Admittedly, I am just learning the full Saguto swing with irons! The suggested video on the "release" of conventional golf instruction was very clarifying for me in my basement with a mat and a net. On the course, with irons, I was throwing the clubhead as a old habit.
(1) Straight arms in a connected 2.8 backswing (its amazing how picture-perfect this backswing looks with the auto right arm fold and auto-kinetic sequencing of the downswing. My trigger: Tilt and Turn but move left arm into position across the chest while keeping the wrist angles.
(2) Impact-- flying wedge into impact, making sure the hands return to their original address position to guarantee crispiness. STRAIGHT ARMS AT IMPACT !!!!
(3) Hitting the snot out of the ball with the Right arm/SHOULDER, LOWERED.
Thanks for the generous contributions! A revised question below. Thx, Paul
I got my answers at the 3:37 minute mark and 10:45 minute mark in this video “How to STOP FLIPPING the Golf Club at Impact (FOREVER!)” (a.k.a. the Flying Wedge video) which shows the 2.8 impact position. My mistake was not getting the arms straight in the follow through.
This is what I learned from the above-mentioned video--
When you come through the shot, you want to keep your arms nice straight and extended
Take it back turning my chest, take it through turning my chest
1. You set the impact position: hands forward at address; hands in front of the club at impact
2. The clubhead alone is grounding at the same point every time
3. The follow through is straight arms pointing (5 to 6 feet away at target)
4. The hands must be in front of the ball at impact
5. There is no manipulation at the bottom of the swing
6. You must know where the club face is because that determines the start direction of the golf ball
7. Arm staying straighter coming through—a big check point
8. Hit shots maintaining the flying wedge
9. You are going to hit it clean every time because there are no variables
10. Check where the hands are not where the shaft is, and make sure the arms are straight in the follow-through
11. Maintain the wedge in the right hand: if you can do this, you’ll hit it clean the rest of your life.
12. Maintain the wedge throughout the impact zone
Question-- You keep the wedge and simply turn your shoulders/chest into impact and the arms will straighten on their own by doing this?
danny How do I release irons on grass? I have no idea! This is the last frontier: My Saguto hybrid, Driver, and irons off the tee are good. My irons off grass is not! I could not execute a 2.8 downswing for irons on grass. Frustrating after a killer drive and only 150 to the green! Do I need to isolate the club head when the shaft is diagonal at impact (just like at address)….this 2.8 did not work on grass very well for me—I only had one awesome 9 iron on grass when I crunched my right side but I could not repeat this. Need a video please on the release for irons off the grass. Thanks, Paul
@danny - Yeah - crazy stuff. We've had a crappy, dank, wet, cold (relatively speaking) winter down here as well, although no frozen stuff....yet....
You have so got this, Danny. I can't wait for you to be able to take it outside so you can really start to see the fruits of your good labor, though at this juncture I'm sure y'all are thinking about cooking up some Groundhog Stew since spring apparently was anything but "right around the corner"...😶❄️
Anyway, keep it krispy in the "Garange". The snow will melt eventually, leaving nothing but soft greens for target practice!