I just notice that during my downswing the toes on my left foot grip the ground (my shoes) for dear life. I also tend to not get me left leg posted as much as I would like. I assume the two are related.
In thinking about this I assume the toes should not be involved in any of the motion, even at the start of the downswing. Is this correct? To feel what I've been doing just tense your toes at the start of the downswing like you are trying to hold on to the ground.
@jimcoene - Check your setup. Start with both feet and both knees flared outward, flex your knees until they are over your toes, and then push your butt out until the weight is re-centered in your feet from front to back. This action stabilizes the body, engages the ankles as @Nocona Colt Abernathy says, and establishes a desired resistance against the ground (facilitating a force that will be called upon through impact).
You want your weight over your ankles (not your toes and not your heels). Just imagine a line going down your lower leg running through your ankle and get your weight there. Otherwise, you won't be able to maintain your balance during the swing.
If you already have your weight on your toes when you start the downswing, even more weight will go toward the front, which is a sure fire recipe for flipping the club.
As a side note, it's a good thing to feel weight going to the outside of your lead foot (the target side). That's a sign that your weight has shifted toward the target.
you should feel your weight in the middle of your foot, right in the arch.
Your toes help keep you balanced, so if you are leaning too far forward your toes will grip to keep you from falling forward.