I recently started using a metronome app on my phone connected to wireless earbuds to help train my tempo while practicing. Currently I am settled on 45 beats per minute. I start to backswing on the first beat and start my downswing on the second beat. So far I really like how it is working.
I have heard the folllowing tip before regarding tempo: Say "Ernie Els" at a nice even pace during your swing. You start the backswing when you first start saying "Ernie" and you start the downswing by saying "Els".
I have been repeating this line while listening to 45 beats per minute on the app and they sync up very nicely. So when I am practcing without the app, I am saying to myself "Ernie Els" at the same tempo and that is working very well also.
Anyone else incorporate a mentronom or saying into their swing?
I like it! Sounds like you're "beating yourself up" in a good way, Bob... 😎
On my full swings, I use "1...aaaand...2" and it does seem to work. I have also used "Tiger Woods". When it comes to putting and chipping though, I do better with "Tick - Tock" for that motion.