So I was 28 % through the Golf Swing Bundle course prior to heading to the range for the first time since joining SagutoGolf this morning. I only hit about 20-25 balls max. It was great to actually see the balls fly off into the horizon instead of just hitting the net at my home range set up. I was happy with about 80% off my hits - it is most pleasing to see some improvement in consistency even though I have only done about 1/3rd of the course.
One issues I am finding with the course is that after I complete every video I realise how loose my swing still is and how I have wasted so much time on other drills over the years.
Speaking of this .....I just watched video series 2.9 and had a crack at keeping the back leg in check on the home range.... wow- I wish I watched this prior to heading to the range this morning. This whole course just makes sense.
Driving Range V Home Range - I think I hit it better at the range! Anyhow hope all is well in golf land.
I wholeheartedly agree, @draidis - Home ranges and sims are certainly great for when the weather is crappy or we just don't have the time to get out, but nothing beats the real thing in terms of feeling the turf interaction and getting a true read on ball flight.
I'm glad to know that you are seeing some progress. Keep up the great work and have fun with the learning (and unlearning) process!!