Hey, Tom. Been a long time since being on here. Life has been throwing some curve balls and have had a lot to deal with. Now, maybe, hopefully can start back and try to learn this system. I've had this issue a long time and not sure how to solve it. What feels like when swinging the club is my hip is moving towards the target and my mid-body extending. Well, looking in a video that is not the case at all and my head is actually moving backwards - quite a bit in fact. Of course it's leading to problems - my entire circle is moving around. Any suggestions for trying to keep my head from moving backwards at impact? I have the weight forward, I'm driving off of my lead leg - but the head keeps moving backwards.
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Thank you, Tom. I'm ashamed to say how many of those I can check off. lol I'll check out the posts!!!
I think I’m going to answer part of my own question. What’s really challenging and blowing my mind is that I did solve an issue over a month ago. I was swinging in-to-out. Always had that problem and one of Tom’s videos fixed it. (control club path with the arms - https://saguto.golf/courses/1118971/lectures/24319167) In fact, there is a golf dome about 30 minutes away that I went to and I could not hit a bad shot. Never in my life have I ever hit so consistent shot after shot. It was amazing. I was elated. (actually, I fixed two issues - cupping of the wrist. Keeping the lead wrist straight and letting the right arm fold also made the swing feel so great. But I never checked how far my back swing was at that time. It was just a feeling.) Went back a second time and the same thing. It was effortless and the crispiness was there. PW – driver – it didn’t matter which club. Hitting bliss!! (I’m thinking I finally got it!!) Third time back – the last 20% of my shots fell apart. Since then it’s been better but never like those first two sessions at the dome. Then I go to the driving range this weekend and I can’t hit well at all. It’s just bad all over again. Why does that happen with golf? You fix something, it lasts a few weeks if that and then it falls apart again. It’s like the new feeling goes numb and the bad habits return. Now that I’ve slept on it for a bit I have a theory. I’ve noticed in my videos that even though at the top of my backswing my left knee goes down, my right leg straightens and my belt is 45 degrees rotated, when I start my downswing my right knee is bending back like at address which seems like it’s moving the club way out of position and I end up swinging out to in which is why I can’t draw the ball worth anything on the range. (or have clean contact) And I think that might be because at the driving range where I have all that open space and I want to hit the ball as far as I can my back swing is going too far back. I did mess with it a little bit last night with some foam, practice balls so I don’t break anyone’s windows on my street and it seems that easy feeling came back. I wish I took videos of when I had hitting bliss so I know what I was doing. But, it seems I go back too far, my trail leg bends back to address position when I start the down swing and that just creates a mess, my body tries to compensate, my head flips back, my hands are no longer leading the club at impact, my circle has moved back….. it’s ugly. It’s a theory I have to test.