@tsaguto Just watched this awesome video. Great idea putting this together. I "think" sometimes I accidentally shift the hips back on a rotate, probably why sometimes I'll hit behind the ball. I'll have to pay much more attention to this. Its like why is my weight on my back leg at all on the finish? Well, most likely I know now.
Thanks much,
Just an idea - Hogan arms/elbows. I've been really trying to perfect this, maybe a school video to supplement the youtube video on this subject?
@Tom Saguto can you apply this latest video to driver? if so, what needs to be done to make sure you can get that more level angle of attack?
I'm glad to know that this tailbone lesson resonated well with you, @tom miller. You're not alone - a lot of folks battle with that backward weight drift in the downswing, typically from allowing that hip rotation to take over.
Here's a lesson already in the school pertaining to the elbows.