Tom, after spending all these years of flipping and arm swinging, I have managed to stop flipping, but for the life of me, I cannot stop the arms in the swing! Every time I do, the direction of the flight of the ball is usually a pull or out to the left. I spent hours at the driving range and just cannot help getting them involved in the swing. I manage about 3-4 good crispy hits, effortless contact, and then the arms start getting involved. Any suggestions?
Also, I worked for about an hour doing the 2.8 drill and I simply cannot hold the cheese wedge after contact. My right wrist just breaks down. Any suggestions?
@Ronald Kinder - Some awesome replies and advice from the community in response to your post! I really don't have anything else to add. Just know that this connected swing and the flying wedge are definitely going to feel restrictive for a period of time as you work to break old habits. However, the effortless crispiness you are experiencing when you execute properly should be the feedback you require to confirm that you are on the proper path!
By the way, have you purchased an Impact Snap yet? This simple training aid will work wonders for ingraining that "cheese wedge". Here is a video I recently did about this product, and should you wish to purchase one this link will enable you to claim your SagutoGolfer discount.
If your weight is 90 percent on your front foot at address, with your tail bone also pre-bumped toward the target, your arms will feel like Wimpy Tyrannosaurus rex arms, very unweighted with no tension whatsoever, but follow the Saguto tilt, and takeaway with upper arms glued and a light grip. For me, if I do all the aforementioned things, my sole swing thought is to maintain the flying wedge. Tom is a golf genius! Use your glued T-Rex arms going back and during the downswing but the club-head alone feel is key with keeping the flying wedge.
Got the same problem. Tom's load and explode drill in the simplest golf swing ever section is helping. My arms get involved when I'm trying too hard to fix some other problem and especially when I'm frustrated. I also have a fused right wrist and it wants to let loose on the way down so I have to be aware on the way to the ball. The load and explode drill breaks all this down and is having a positive impact on the fix. I'm pretty sure I'll get it worked out
Got the same problem. Tom's load and explode drill in the simplest golf swing ever section is helping. My arms get involved when I'm trying too hard to fix some other problem and especially when I'm frustrated. I also have a fused right wrist and it wants to let loose on the way down so I have to be aware on the way to the ball. The load and explode drill breaks all this down and is having a positive impact on the fix. I'm pretty sure I'll get it worked out
I’m the same way! I tend to want to involve my arms too much. I just recently asked the same question. When I take arms out and use body only, it just feels different. Almost like a short pitch where it’s literally all body. Applying that to a full swing feels so stiff in a way. But when I use this method and hit it right, it never fails. Arms glued in and just moving the body during downswing.
its when I’m rushing through practice or feeling tired does my technique fly out the window. I need to concentrate more, take it easy, breathe, take my time and remember the training!