Looking for a good in-person instructor in Tampa, FL. My instructor is moving away in August and is the one who told me if I was going to watch YouTube instructionals, Tom Saguto was the one I should watch.
I’ve done a great V1 lesson with Tom and plan to do more. But want a little more in-person work on a regular basis. My goal Is to get from <100 to <90 this year. Anyone have a recommendation for me and my wife In the Tampa area?
I found my local instructor on <stack&tilt.com/findaninstructor>.
The site is not up-to date, but some listing are accurate. The first place I called said the pro hadn't been there in 8 years. I lucked out with my second call. I have to travel an hour, but he's worth it. He is very familiar with Tom's style of instruction, so it is very easy to communicate. (I still use Tom's videos between lessons.) He's a"certified" instructor. There is a lesser category as well. I don't know if it's a matter of training, or just paying a fee.
Good luck.
Paula in
@Jeff Baughman - Have a look at the Find an Instructor page on the S&T website. There are several in the Tampa-St. Petersburg area.