I get it now! As Tom had stated several times in numerous videos and by me having a 'delay intelligence' moment, now I understand how the setup and swing path of using stack n tilt creates draws.
A draw is caused by an open face swing path and closed face on target line in downswing.
( Hence, club is slightly open at setup with lead arm position forward)
I was taught in the past, having my clubface open at setup will create slices and weak strong fades. Then I read about Arnold Palmer stated he has his clubface slightly open at set up. At that time, really confused me.
Mind you, I was, also, taught to turn over my wrists at impact. We all know, that is WRONG!
This explains why the stack n tilt became hard for me to be consistant and to mindful of swing thoughts from the past and present.
By understanding those principles of what is going on in a golf swing, really helped immensely and bringing my game and confidence back.
I recalled the first time I hit with stack n tilt. I was amazed how effective it was. Then...swing thoughts kicked in over time. Mostly from too much confusion between what I had learned from the conventional swing to SnT. My hcp did go up 2 points this season but that will change since I'm back scoring in the mid to low 80's.
Tom, on top of instructing new golfers, you're also the Priest who performs exorcism of the seasoned golfers. We've been bombarded but bunch of golf swing crap and it's been a tough journey. I felt like a beginning golfer and had to use that mentality and reset what was learned. Only you and others know our frustrations.
@johnpfistnerjr - As far as ball flight rules go, it all begins with purging the conventional "wisdom" that the face angle at address influences curvature and the path provides the starting direction. Once you understand that the exact opposite is true - as Mr. Palmer obviously knew - then the Grid comes alive for both diagnostic and shot-shaping purposes. And just to be clear because your explanation confused me a little 🤔, a push-draw occurs when the face is open to the target line (the "push" starting direction component) and closed to the in-to-out path (the draw curvature).
Nice to know that you're beginning to see the benefits of your hard work. Once the Grid really takes hold you'll be adding a whole new dimension to your game and your enjoyment of it!