Using the driver I have a balance issue. My balance is fine in line with the target. I have an issue with my weight moving backwards and finishing on my heel, resulting in a heavy fade. When I find the center of balance the ball flies straight . Is there a drill to keep you from leaning toward or away from the ball during the swing? I do not have this issue with any of the other clubs.
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@ksours57 - Since this is only happening with the driver, it then begs the question, "what are you doing differently with that one club?"
First, I would check your setup to make sure that you are in a good balanced position in both feet between heel and toe (of course, with your weight favoring the lead leg 60/40 with the driver). If that checks out okay, then I suggest taking video of your swing from both down the line and face-on views with the driver and one of the other clubs to compare and see what differences may jump out at you.
@GolfLivesMatter - You are a very balanced person. 😎 Care to offer any additional thoughts?