Sound great, Tom! Are you bringing that lovely wife along? There's plenty for the non-golfers to do around here, and I think - though you will need to confirm - that you can bring a guest to the nightly 19th Hole.
She has windows and floors to do while I am gone😬😬kidding. She will be off doing her own thing with a friend of hers. She does however drive the cart when I play. I however will be full force. Not much of a drinking man but love an occasional brewski. someone mentioned.
Can’t wait to meet everyone.
I have almost 5 months to get ready and the passion to want to be ready.
Sounds good, and congratulations on your weight loss success to-date. Keep up the great work. I'm cure it will pay many dividends, including on the golf course!
Sound great, Tom! Are you bringing that lovely wife along? There's plenty for the non-golfers to do around here, and I think - though you will need to confirm - that you can bring a guest to the nightly 19th Hole.