I just played around with my brand new single length irons. To be honest, I struggled bad several times I want to go home and get my normal clubs and use them. This one's were the length of my six iron, which I will struggle with anyways party was part of me wants to cut these down to my eight iron leaf and try that they are currently 37 and three-quarter inches long, after a while about 15 holes and I think I got a little bit of a rhythm. I was hitting fat with them, but I could tell it was in the club air to my hit. The ball will go out about to the right and drive back in which was nice and there was some more height.
I talked to @Russell Hogue, PhD about these irons, right after I ordered them, didn't mention about the length that's for another conversation with me and him.
I do agree with one thing he said they do seem be great for stack and tilt. Your swing doesn't change. I'm just stubborn and hitting fat right now. I'm not sure if that's from being off all winter.
The course was very wet today I should've played water polo
Ok 4 shots in the cold lol