Former Graves golf member. Love the people in Graves golf. They are a great bunch. Their system is just to complex, to many details, steps and information to just strike a golf ball. And I might add just to much work! Saguto golf Tom wow you keep it real and simple and not to fancy. And if you watch many of the pros you will see the same motion, swing, ball striking divots, etc. I am 64 yrs young and have always just used a 3/4 swing, except when I was very young. Your approach, program, methods and just down right connection with teaching is awesome! I just wanted to learn how to strike the golf ball consistently and yes for sure take divots. I am chewing up the range and course now! The Golf Swing Simplified Golf Game Training Program has really hit home with me!!! Thank you Tom so much! If you ever pass by our farm (Between Lake Tahoe and Sacramento, Ca) please stop in say hello and enjoy some fresh apple pie on us! And of course Hard apple cider or fresh apple cider. Our farm is called Boa Vista Orchards
Brad / Placerville, Ca 😎
Thanks so much for sharing your success to-date with the program, @Brad Visman, and my sincere apologies to your course superintendent!...🤣
I truly appreciate the kind words, as well as you invite and tempting me with my favorite dessert!
Thanks again and keep up the great work!!