in the youtube-video from 7/8th august you explained to hold the hinge till the shaft is parallel to the ground and the left hand is near to the left knee. At this point we have to unhinge the wrist.
Is this an active movement ?
For me it feels like being active. I tried this with a half-swing and it felt great and powerful.
I ask because I want to be sure going the right way before bringing the active unhinging in the full-swing. I ever tought that unhinging does not need an additional move of the wrist.
Many thanks !
@Rudi (from Munich) - What we do in the backswing must be sequentially undone in the downswing in order to return the club properly to the ball. Yes, the wrists and hands are the last to go - and with the proper body motions they will be delayed until the ideal time - but then the whip must be cracked. It is a tremendous power move indeed, but it is also a key component of consistently crispy ball striking.
To be clear, this is not like trying to consciously manipulate the face at impact or time the "release" - both of which are ill-advised and only lead to inconsistency and frustration. This is the natural unhinging of the wrists that we are talking about here, but since the move may be a foreign concept to golfers who have transitioned from different swing styles, it does make sense that we need to ingrain it incrementally with smaller swing in order to ultimately build it into our full swing. Once you are successful in doing so, you are going to love the sound, the feel, and the ball flight!!!
You may wish to have a look towards the bottom section of this comment thread as it relates to the same topic. Perhaps you and @rjrollcan engage in a side conversation on how best to build this unhinging move into your swing?