Greetings All!
Getting excited about upcoming Myrtle trip and MBWA. To be followed the weekend after Labor Day by League 2 day finals. Lookoing forward to meeting fellow Saguto golfers and Tom and just mingling and enjoying rounds with new people and good courses and competition.
Amazing how God works things in your life. With the end of competitive Golf this season I will be switching like I said to days with Friday & Saturday off. Attempting to get out to league play on Wednesday after work just too much of a burden. As the leagues most popular times are from 3 o'clock on with nearly a spot. Being a single would make it a better possibility but inconsistent finish times at work coupled with a 45 minute ride in the busy part of the day just doesn't seem like it would be fun and stress free. So this will be the end of my competitive golf with the exception of when former league does Saturday events and can join in with old group for foresome competition. Will still play weekly for the most part, getting out on Fridays at a variety of courses, some by myself and some with group buddies.
So going out of competitive golf with a flurrie with 7 competitive rounds in 2 weeks.
Will still be here, will see if I stay on with Academy or not subscription that is. Not sure if I lose access here if I don't renew. Time will tell on that one.
Just thought I would get that out there, more for my sake then anything else. Hopefully can go out with a blaze of glory!