This seems to be the biggest problem for me and at times feels almost impossible to fix.
When i look in the mirror and start tilting everything looks perfect and i get 90 degree shoulder turn. The problem is that at that point of the swing it feels like a chip shot for me. I can turn my hips and shoulders way way more and still keep my connections and also keep my left shoulder down. When i swing to the point when that natural stopping point occurs, my hips have rotated a lot and my shoulders also, from this position i cant get the downswing sequence right no matter what i do, it always starts with rotation instead of hip slide.
I guess that i just have to do a lot of swings looking in the mirror and try to ingrain the right 90 degree stopping point because then i can start the downswing properly. It just feels so short that i feel like i cant get any power from that position.
If someone has any other tips regarding this i would like to know :)
I'm glad to know that it helped, Jari!!
You were right. Old swing habits, i was turning too much.
I tried that drill with the club across the chest and arm straight to the side and started tilting. Then i tried to get that same feeling with a club and i noticed something. To get into the same feeling and position, i have to feel like im tilting to the left and also backwards a little. This backswing feels like the club goes back very vertical and away from my body, but in reality it follows the perfect path. Feel vs real yet again. Thanks Tom!
@Jari Hissa - First of all, please have a look at this backswing lesson from Fixing Common Swing Problems: Turning Too Much Too Soon.
If you can rule that out as not being your issue, then let's revisit the symptoms of exceeding our natural stopping point in the backswing (the point where the tilting, turning, and extending motions are complete):
1) the lead arm will bend and/or lift
2) the wrists will break down
3) the lead knee will kick inward towards the trail side
4) the lead shoulder will level out and lose its orientation towards the ball
5) weight will shift into the trail side
If none of these symptoms exist, then my best suggestion is that we do a V1 Analysis and get this figured out for you.