This seems to be the biggest problem for me and at times feels almost impossible to fix.
When i look in the mirror and start tilting everything looks perfect and i get 90 degree shoulder turn. The problem is that at that point of the swing it feels like a chip shot for me. I can turn my hips and shoulders way way more and still keep my connections and also keep my left shoulder down. When i swing to the point when that natural stopping point occurs, my hips have rotated a lot and my shoulders also, from this position i cant get the downswing sequence right no matter what i do, it always starts with rotation instead of hip slide.
I guess that i just have to do a lot of swings looking in the mirror and try to ingrain the right 90 degree stopping point because then i can start the downswing properly. It just feels so short that i feel like i cant get any power from that position.
If someone has any other tips regarding this i would like to know :)
I'm glad to know that it helped, Jari!!