Welcome to the SagutoGolf forum. This is a place to interact with me and other members for golf swing related discussion, improve your approach to playing golf, share your SagutoGolf success stories, converse with other members, and MORE. My goal is that by having a dedicated forum, you as a member of SagutoGolf can use this page as a reference to help improve your game.
Begin asking your questions by creating a post in the forum below. Here are some guidelines:
1. Select a category related to your question.
2. Create a post with your question.
Note - If you're looking for specific golf swing related help, I recommend that you work with me in an online swing analysis lesson or in-person. You can learn more by clicking here.
See you on the range!
FORUM RULES (your conduct in this forum must abide by the SagutoGolf LLC Terms of Use - the same terms for the SagutoGolf LLC online golf school). See the official terms below:
You are expected to maintain standards of good conduct while engaging on the SagutoGolf LLC site in forums and commenting in the OFFICE HOURS section of the golf school. Good standards of conduct include, but are not limited to:
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Other speech that is determined to be offensive or detrimental to the school and its members in any way may be removed at any time as determined by SagutoGolf LLC.
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Hope I am allowed two posts. Promise I wont hug the forum but am so excited that I now know how to contact you. So looking forward to connecting with other Saguto Golfers.
My handicap is 36. Could you highlight/show golfers/students of my calibe trying to learn your swing. I loved that vlog where you showed the golf professional taking a lesson from you. However as you are both GOOD golfers, a lot of what you explained came relagively easy to her. I would love to see this system explained from the point of view of a high handicapper.
For example, when you talk about chipping and pitching 40 - 70 yards, that is a full swing fro me using a sand wedge and a pitching wedge. Am I doing something wrong, or is this something that will follow.
I am not sure which parts of your system are more important than the other. I started at the very beginning, (posture, stance, grip) and have noted many changes. However taking on your system is like throwing a pebble into a pond. It has a ripple effect. What part of your swing system should take precedence? I am not a good enough athlete to put all your techniques into place at the one time I think I need to break it down into sections, work on that and then move on. However this makes my ballstriking go a bit haywire. Do I just persevere and tackle each section a little at a time.
Sorry for being so long winded, bugt I think you have sgtopped me from giving up golf.
See you on the tee