I was only able to see a large photo of your setup, @Paul Saulnier. In the small thumbnail of your backswing it appears as though you've got some great things going on with the way your legs are working as well as the depth of your hands! How is your ballstriking coming along?
FYI, while I personally refrain from offering swing video analysis commentary here in the Forum, this does not preclude others in the community from offering their thoughts, so if you wish to upload a video or a swing sequence for others to see you are certainly free to do so.
I was only able to see a large photo of your setup, @Paul Saulnier. In the small thumbnail of your backswing it appears as though you've got some great things going on with the way your legs are working as well as the depth of your hands! How is your ballstriking coming along?
FYI, while I personally refrain from offering swing video analysis commentary here in the Forum, this does not preclude others in the community from offering their thoughts, so if you wish to upload a video or a swing sequence for others to see you are certainly free to do so.