Used to be halfway decent golfer. Haven't played much last 5-10 years. Trying to get back into it.
Signed up for Saguto Golf and hitting some balls into my net. Little bit different approach than what I learned. My contact has been good but still feels a little awkward.
Welcome Dan. I too am new to this swing but am really enjoying the challenge of learning this “different” swing. My advice to you is to watch all the videos and go back to one’s you think are important. Practice the drills Tom puts in there. I’ve found that the half-swing drill is great for me in keeping my arms straight thru impact and beyond. It really helps me to hit the ball clean. (or crispy in Tom’s terms). I‘m also going to send Tom videos of my swing so he can make corrections. Practicing and reinforcing bad habits helps no one. Good luck Dan. Stick with it. I just got a net and golf mat. So I think you and I are committed to this.
Cal (Texas)