Another question. I notice almost all great strikers heads go down as they initiate the downswing. Mine seems to go up. is this due to standing up a bit in my downswing? I didn’t get a FO video so this is prob not ideal.
another thing I always have noticed is that my follow through is higher than most. could this be due to too much wrist scooping action and not getting my hands
through? (Again face on would be ideal).
and last I am not getting too much separation at the top. Maybe I am too rigid and stiff and need to relax the arms a bit?
I plan to get a paid video analysis once I get things a bit more dialed in but figured I’d see if anyone could weigh in on these things.
in addition.. it appears that your hips begin to turn on the down swing but them stop and your harms take over..that might cause you to come out of your posture a bit.