Here are my 8-iron swing videos.
Any feedback would be appreciated :)
Impact feels good and ball flight is good, my only concern is what happens after impact.
My hands turn over very fast and my finish doesnt feel balanced. To me it looks like my body stops turning after impact and the hands get ahead fast. This sometimes causes issues with contact also. Also if i try to keep the wedge after impact and finish short my lower back and wrists starts to hurt and everything feels very tense and tight.
Was also thinking that should i flare my lead foot more open, would that help with rotating through
Finally also fixed that slight steepening reroute move at the start of the downswing which happens when i try to swing fast. Thinking of keeping one second pause at the top of the backswing and letting the club "settle", then i can swing as hard as i can and the club stays on plane.
Thank you so much. Now i have the information that i need, so i dont obsess on the wrong things. Let the contact and ball flight be the guide :)
@Jari Hissa - Without getting into an analysis of my own here, in reading @Russell Hogue, PhD's insightful comments it sounds like you have a solid impact condition, there's no steepness or casting, and your arms are straight (no chicken wing). Based on this, it is important to understand - as Russell conveys - that the forearms naturally "trade places" post impact, so what may appear to be a "flip" is actually just a normal condition of a well-executed swing. Have a look at this face-on video of Charlie Wi and you'll see what we're referring to.
@Jari Hissa I don’t see any flip in that move. You are hitting the ball with a little shaft lean and club seeks alignment with lead arm right after.
If you try to hit the ball lower, you will see more cheese wedge. My guess is that now you are moving correctly so the release will simply match up with your intended Shot pattern.
Started hitting some shorter shots. Still some flipping after impact. The intent of flipping might also be the cause why it is so hard to move the hips forward.
Forgot to add the alignment stick on the club, that was part 1 of the contact drills, not hitting that stick to your side after impact. I think that is still the missing piece. Not flipping so much anymore but still doing it, hard to get rid of it because i've been doing it all my golfing life :D
Thank you both for your help!
I found one old video from Tom that seems to help me to get that hip bump feeling without rotating early.
With the trail foot flared out at setup, when the downswing starts, i try to bank the trail foot inwards and keep the heel on the ground. This seems to limit the rotation part in the start of downswing and all the way to impact.
This is the video im talking about
Also found this one
@Jari Hissa one more thing and this is likely related to your balance. On the dtl video, look at your butt line to start.
good golfers see their right hip stay or even work slightly behind that Line on backswing, but on downswing, the front hip stays on line and works back, deeper than starting point.
No top golfers see their front hip work forward toward the ball. It’s always the lead hip works deeper. This pushing back with the lead leg would stabilize through impact. If you look at your starting butt line, you can clearly see your lower body works toward the ball. That reduces the space for your arms to swing through and likely would be at the heart of your misses that go left.
@Jari Hissa - Thanks for adding that extra detail to your initial post. I think that really helped @Nocona Colt Abernathy & @Russell Hogue, PhD assemble these two great analyses for you. Very nice job, y'all!
@Jari Hissa buddy, your swing looks on point.
I assume you typically hit a little draw and your miss is likely a pull that over hooks, does that sound about right?
@Jari Hissa - Feel free to tag some of the "regulars" if you don't see responses to this swing video post. Also, if you can supplement the videos with a little bit of detail on your quality of impact (which looks darn good), ball flight, curvature, and whether there are any issues that you are seeking to resolve, that would be helpful to others who are analyzing your swing here.