Weight forward at address? I know it's important, in the online school I see Tom is teaching whole body weight shift 60/40 55/45 more as the swing progresses thru follow through. Some teach the weight at address is a hip forward motion to achieve spine tilt. Rob is teaching a hip forward but I actually feel more comfortable whole body shift. Pros/Cons?
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@tom miller - Even if you preset the hips forward you are still shifting weight on the downswing. The main thing is, whatever you do, do not let your weight shift to the back foot. As far as pros/cons go, hips forward can be beneficial to someone who has limited mobility in their hips to make the turn easier (essentially they only need to turn since they've already shifted the hips). Another pro is with the driver; setting the hips forward can help someone who hits down too far with the driver. Conversely, this could have a negative impact on iron play. Both Rob and Tom prescribe the same swing. The hip forward is just another tool in the bag.
@tom miller - A critical element of setting - and keeping - the weight forward is in ensuring that in doing so we do not disturb our swing center and thus move our low point. So if your "whole body shift" - or the hip bump - is accomplished with no shifting of the upper torso, then the swing center is preserved and you're good to go.
Have a look at how I set up for this 90% Weight Forward/Arms Straight Drill. Even as I preset that much weight on the front side, my swing center and my head remain in place. That's what I'm referring to.