I was trying to figure out why I had so much tension in my backswing and stress on my lead wrist and having the feeling of carpal tunnel in my lead wrist. I've been doing the takeaway wrong and did not realize it. This definately affected my backswing causing a dipping motion of my head and inconsistent shots, primarily in ball trajectory which resulted in fades and slices, especially with the longer clubs. Wrong wrist action on the takeaway with a forced wrist hinge. My wrists were hinging laterally or side to side. It felt unnatural. This also caused me to hit my shots shorter than normal on the downswing. Since I corrected it, backswing feels more fluid and the wrist hinge is automatic and stress and pain free. I, also, found my power leak. Always check to ensure set up is correct and the takeaway. You'd be surprised to find out why you may flip, inconsistent contact, undesirable flight trajectories, fat or thin shots, and loss of power.
To add: A poor takeaway into the backswing may also give you that STUCK feeling transitioning to the downswing. There are several video references available for takeaway and wrist hinge action. They helped me and use a mirror or video of your takeaway.
@johnpfistnerjr - The S&T gurus are specifically adamant about have absolutely no side-to-side wrist movement, only vertical hinging and unhinging. Nice job figuring it out!