I’m unclear on the preferred right arm position at top of backswing from “A simple tip for great ball striking” video. At the top of the backswing, how much should the upper right arm fold in and detach from the torso? Can you recommend a video showing this in detail from a couple of viewpoints?
Also, I’m unclear on the preferred wrist positions at the top of the backswing. To me, your right wrist appears cupped and the left wrist appears flat. Am I correct? If so, I find it difficult to get my right wrist to cup naturally at the top of the backswing. Any tips to do this?
This was a recent question I wanted to address. But you've described, perfectly I might add, that "oily" wrists comment... as well as simply feeling the weight of the club. I just received THE BOOK this past weekend (wow!) and am progressing through it slowly. I love, and learn best, having more than one voice describing the same thing when I am learning something new. Wish I knew this in high school! 🤣
@ejamesschiffer - Please have a look at this recent thread started by @Buford T Ogletree, taking particular note of the range of tolerance with respect to the connection of the trail arm to the side. The photos of Mike Bennett and Charlie Wi clearly show that you have some leeway in this regard. In all cases the trail arm should be allowed to fold to 90 degrees at the top.
If you keep your wrists "oily" and allow them to respond naturally to the swing motion, then assuming you have a proper grip and setup you should find at the top that your lead wrist is flat (or even slightly bowed in response to the weight of the clubhead) and the tail wrist is supporting the handle of the club from underneath in the "waiter's position".
I hope this helps!