I'm still in the beginning lessons and tried to do the Arnold Palmer drill where I line my club up against my chest, and then turn my shoulders and point the grip towards the ball. My shoulders don't have enough flexibility to turn that far. I can go about 65% of the way on the backswing, and maybe 75% on the follow through. Is there some kind of modifications I can use and still use the stack and tilt? I'm liking the lessons so far and hope that I can master this motion so I can build from a solid foundation.
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@Tom Saguto funny have the same name as bionic man!
@henry I understand the flexibility issue somewhat, My shoulder for full disclosure has a plate and 11 screws in it. So more about restriction then flex. But sure can give some help.
What is the reason for flexibility issues?
Injuries or age related? Both of those for me. Let me know what is your flexibility issue!
Tom is right about the flared out feet been huge for me. Right now my issue is a bit of finding exact right ball placement for directional control(I've only been here since February).
But back to you with some suggestions.
I have an at home range in the garage which is great for getting swings in.
To get lose, I swing in the "groove" slowly and work my way u to full swing before I even hit a ball, touch my toes and overhead reaching for me.
Then I hit some sponge balls then onto regular balls. That's indoors, outdoors before I play same routine minus sponge balls.
When I am going out for play. I hot shower before I play with shower pulse massage.
The I use Blu Emu and while pores still open rub shoulders middle of back, neck, hips and knees.
Also take equivalent of ibuprofen 1000mg after shower and heading out the door and another 500mg at the turn to back nine.
I recently invested in the LagShot Clubs and that has helped with swing also.
Here's a look at my "different " swing a work in progress but shoulder goes up on the down swing.
A 5 wood
and 7 iron slow mo. As you can see I don't have a inside out swing but my club is square at impact,like I said work in progress.