@Paul Saulnier - There was recently THIS short Q&A between @jon and me on backswing tempo. Not too much meat there but still applicable. I think if you spend a good amount of time in Chapter 2 and then really work the heck out of the drill at the end of that chapter in Lesson 2.8, you will begin to settle into a tempo that suits you well.
it's funny but, I just watched this video about the driver. It totally focuses on tempo and building speed later in the downswing. I think this hold true for all clubs though. check it out https://youtu.be/ihk97097LIo
Sorry for the late reply guys just seen it thank you!!
@Paul Saulnier - There was recently THIS short Q&A between @jon and me on backswing tempo. Not too much meat there but still applicable. I think if you spend a good amount of time in Chapter 2 and then really work the heck out of the drill at the end of that chapter in Lesson 2.8, you will begin to settle into a tempo that suits you well.
it's funny but, I just watched this video about the driver. It totally focuses on tempo and building speed later in the downswing. I think this hold true for all clubs though. check it out https://youtu.be/ihk97097LIo