weve all heard before swing with your body and let your arms go along for the ride(at least I’ve heard this lol)
For anyone doing this body swing correctly, how do you focus on not using your arms during downswing?
i constantly want assistance from my arms. I’ll hit great, I’ll hit bad. It’s a vicious cycle!
This is why everyday that passes I do not regret getting on board with this system with @Tom Saguto as a teacher @Russell Hogue, PhD @jon. He (Tom) makes it more of an individual teaching program and not a 'One size fits all'. This past weekend, I have had a 'aha' moment because I finally figured out (I know, it took me long enough, I'm sure that most people already figured that out) that not every technique/tip applied to me and I think that is why I have been lost for a long time because I have been working on a million things. I finally realized that I had to develop/apply my own 'FEELS' on whatever part of the swing I was learning. For example, I have always had an issue with the downswing, specifically get into the "SLOT".
As recent as last week, I posted a question on this very forum asking for help on this very topic. Then I watched the 'Best Contact Drill' and Hip Lateral training on the site, and it came to me, you CANNOT have a proper/functioning downswing without this key component (Hip moving Lateral prior to Rotate through). While I was working on these moves, I developed my own feels/trigger to make it work for 'ME'. In this case, what worked for me was the rolling inward of the right foot. What this move does, it stopped me from rotating too early into the downswing. Now, I generate so much speed and I feel that consistency will no longer allude me.
One more thing, because I used a mirror and also had a camera for instant feedback, I am able to spend quality time working on the move; and I do not have to wait until weather gets better to go to the range since I can do that indoor. My downswing is now on Autopilot and I cannot wait for the new season.
I share this because this may help someone out there!
This is a great question. The data on a golf swing is clear the majority of the speed in the golf swing comes from the arms, wrists, hands.
However, the body has to be in position to support the speed so you can “hit with the wrath of God.”
I have come to the conclusion that some great golfers say they hit they use the big muscles to hit the ball…so it leads me to the conclusion that when you move your body correctly it may feel like you aren’t using your hands and arms.
I will defer to others who know more about your specific swing, but I think that often people who are trying to keep their arms passive actually do a good job at doing What they are trying to do…they leave their arms passive and then the body moves in such a way they Can’t use their arms.
if you have the right idea, you want to use the body to allow the arms to swing freely to a target…it may help make the tilt, turn, and extension body move easier.
Plus, I want to comment on your thread so I can see the feedback for myself too. Have a great weekend.
I have a problem that when I start the down swing I tighten my arms and just spin which results in terrible shots. Working on the T. rex arms
I love the "wimpy t-rex arms" image!
Maintaining your connections along with that flying wedge are the keys, @jon, and whether you are able to accomplish this as an extinct carnivorous reptile or with focus on the arms really comes down to what works best for you individually. Since you are encountering inconsistency when actively engaging you arms, I'd give @ihmpadre's method a try and see how that plays for you.
If your weight is 90 percent on your front foot at address, with your tail bone also pre-bumped toward the target, your arms will feel like Wimpy Tyrannosaurus rex arms, very unweighted with no tension whatsoever, but follow the Saguto tilt, and takeaway with upper arms glued and a light grip. For me, if I do all the aforementioned things, my sole swing thought is to maintain the flying wedge. Tom is a golf genius!