Well, I started getting crispier contact and was feeling a bit more confident. In fact, I started thinking, "oh thats what its like!" Well I was not videoing myself for a little while and decided I had better have a look. I've had a relapse and I'm chopping again... I'm so ashamed... On a serious note though... it is a bit deflating... So I'm back again, back to the 2.8 drill I suppose is the order of the day. I was seeing some club head speeds in the 90 and a carry in the 180s and a couple in the low 190s with a 4 iron. I figured I must have had something going... Well if I can get those results doing something wrong, what will it be like when I finally get it all right?!
From what I can see, my backswing looks great! Right on the club line from setup. Then I get to the top, my lead arm is just slightly below my shoulder, but I seem to be keeping my relationship to the ball. Maybe slightly flattening. But then, I don't get back to that club line, from setup, in the down swing.
I'm trying to exaggerate lowering the hands to start the downswing as a drill. My contact is suffering from the adjustment but, I guess thats to be expected. I'm also moving my hips forward, toward the impact position, the way Buford demonstrated.
Oh well...
Tom made "stop the chop" video. Super simple and cleaned up a lot of over the top/above the plane issues for me.