Arnie Merriam a few seconds ago ReplyEditDeleteLink
Hey Tom, I'm aiming to become 100% Saguto in my approach to this game (is it a game or a form of mental illness, I'm not sure), I do know that the closer I get to what you demonstrate, the better I strike the ball. I saw your You Tube video this morning where you show an overhead view of your swing (amazing). It looks to me that you are holding the club face off after your strike, and that its the hold offthat leads to that characteristic rebound/snap of yours at the conclusion of your swing. Am I correct that you advocate the hold off move? On all shots? Does this in any way sacrifice distance? Is that indeed what causes that snap? Looking forward to your response so I can do what you do even better! Arnie
(I just posted this in the old office hours section and then saw your note that you are migrating here so I reposted it)
Think of the club face staying at a 90 degree angle to the swing arc, or parallel to your spine angle. If you roll your hands the club isnt parallel to your spine, so it is not a "hold off" move its keeping the club face square the entire way back and through impact.