Hey all, had a helpful swing thought I might share. Mostly came from Tom’s video about the trail shoulder and some helpful forum comments. The tilt turn extend in the back swing seems easy enough to accomplish but I just couldnt get that trial shoulder down in the down swing. As someone in the forum commented my down swing was all turn with no tilt and extend. So I was Working away and tried some swings with the “feel” of only tilt and extend and no turn on the down swing. I think I swung from the happy zone for the first time! And of course on video I was almost completely facing the target although I felt as if I hadn’t turned at all. Going to keep grinding but I feel like this is already helping me hit ball first. Just thought I’d share !
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Great downswing "feel", @Tim Buhler!! That hyperactive trail shoulder is far more often than not the "death zone" culprit. Reign it in and you'll have regular trips to the land of ball striking bliss!
Nice self-discovery, and thanks for sharing!