Just again have to say what a revelation this online school and course is!
Okay just got out once last week and hit 90 balls with 2:8 drill and had great results and going full tilt by end seen no sign of slice or fade but once. Talk about encouraging!
Well being in CO this time of year that was Thursday morning hitting the practice facility at 10 am and 60 degrees. Since then high of 24 and snowing on and off since Thursday. Whoever is close to Punxsutawney PA you really need to go and play wack a moll with that ground hog next year! 😂
But just the way this has clicked in my mind and doing the indoor turning drills and renewed dedication this Saguto Golf School has given me. I know I am in for the best and most fun golf of my life! And this at 64. One thing I forgot to add on last post with the drill. When I went full swing and keeping hands forward my distance exploded! So needless to say looking forward to some rounds before league play to dial my yardages back in as I know my club distances have changed.
Maybe I am lucky that this clicks in my head and able to translate this to my swing. But the reason I made the leap and jumped in with the school so quick. Was when I saw videos with Tom and his passion and what he was conveying it was a no brainer and a "revelation".
I try to pass it on to other golfers. But some want to stay in their comfort zone.
What a bargain and looking forward to video analysis, yet another bargain.
Thanks again Mr. Saguto!
I love the interaction of everyone
You are definitely My fellow Sagutoites!