So, after a few weeks of hitting the ball spectacular, I’m now struggling with inconsistency in my club face. in my back swing my club doesn’t feel secure at all, and i also feel like I have zero control in my grip. I’ve tried changing my grip multiple times to feel what it’s like to be square, but hasn’t helped. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but at the top of my backswing, my club feels very “wobbly.”
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Thanks, Tom. You’re the best!
The first three lessons in Chapter 3 speak to the connections and the backswing arm motions. You'll find your answer and more in there. 😎
You should feel like your left arm is glued across your chest, right Tom?
I realized that maybe it wasn’t the grip that was causing the issue. Could not having your left arm across your chest cause inefficient club face control because you lost that arm connection?
@linkinparkjas - Please have a look at this recent post and comment thread on a very similar topic and let me know if it helps.