Can anyone suggest how to arrive at the position Charlie Wi is in where the hands and club exit below the lead shoulder? Looks to me like he's still very tilted and extended to get this position.
Yes, @shawn_moran - Charlie is definitely tilted and extended at this point in the swing. As @danny says, this is an effect of a proper downswing sequence. A good targetward lateral hip slide in the downswing beginning at the transition and continuing through impact causes the trail side tilt, and the extension comes from the lower body pushing forward as the head (and swing center) remain in place.
It happens as a result a proper swing. If your set up is good, you tilt turn and extend properly, this just happens as a result. I don't think it is something you need to consciously work on. If you're not ending this way, the fault is somewhere before the finish. Are you videoing your swing and analyzing to see if you're leveling out at the top or chopping in the downswing?
Yes, @shawn_moran - Charlie is definitely tilted and extended at this point in the swing. As @danny says, this is an effect of a proper downswing sequence. A good targetward lateral hip slide in the downswing beginning at the transition and continuing through impact causes the trail side tilt, and the extension comes from the lower body pushing forward as the head (and swing center) remain in place.
It happens as a result a proper swing. If your set up is good, you tilt turn and extend properly, this just happens as a result. I don't think it is something you need to consciously work on. If you're not ending this way, the fault is somewhere before the finish. Are you videoing your swing and analyzing to see if you're leveling out at the top or chopping in the downswing?