Hi Sir, I have been doing the load and explode drills and I have not trained my trail arm like this at all. As I go through your courses I have heard the ball coming off the clubface with a distinct sound. I have not taken this to the course as of now, but I can not wait. Before this course I have been worried to much about bow wrist knuckles down at impact and there are so many other thoughts. The trail arm drills, watermelon drill along with the shoulder down drill is making me a happy golfer. I have been hitting off the matt in my backyard, so I really not sure if I am taking a divot after contact, but I hear the ball contact first. I would like to thank you for improving my swing. Have a great Day!
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Nice job, @jjdavidson44!! Hopefully you'll be able to take it out to the range (and the course) real soon! It may take a short while for you to acclimate to the club/ball/turf interaction, but it sure sounds like you are on the proper path towards crispy ball striking bliss!
Thanks for your kind words! Keep up the great work, and please update use when you are finally able to get out there!!