Tom...I watched all of the videos in the Golf Swing Simplified, indoor training and Driver sections and I am trying to keep everything as simplified as possible. I want to try and establish a good practice regimen from the beginning so as to focus on the right things and create a natural progression as I improve. So as I don't lose my life savings as the range I'd like to work on a number of drills at home/back yard and then use the range to see the results of those drills. Do you have a practice plan you would recommend...what I want to avoid is paralysis by analysis seeing the simplicity of your system is what drew me to it in the first place. ...side question is possible to determine if you would be taking a divot if I am hitting off a mat?
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I know right?! It can seem like we need to add more pieces. Just remember:
95% of this swing is built in the setup/address position
The rest is literally tilt and keeping your head steady
I make adjustments to students such as adding more hands-in or giving them drills to work on other specific swing pieces but it depends on the student and their swing.
So, you might need to work on a specific piece of your swing but working on ALL specific pieces is overwhelming.
There are positions that can help you evaluate what is IDEAL versus where you are at and make adjustments to your swing in that regard. I have a video showing that here - Full Swing in Detail
perfect thought was to use that drill until it becomes 2nd nature it's just at times the simplest approach appears to be too good to be true. So I have my marching orders and will report back with any issues but that drill will be the main element of all my practice sessions for the time being. I appreciate your response and dedication to this forum...
Great feedback on what to do to ensure you're taking proper divots on a mat.
The most cost-effective way to practice is to set up a hitting net in your yard or garage. Use the V1 swing analysis app to track the progress of your swing and evaluate it.
Paralysis analysis can happen when you're moving too fast (learning too much too soon) in your golf swing journey. This leads to complicating the golf swing and thinking about too many pieces at one time.
Whenever I get analysis paralysis I do this:
Breathe again....but much slower
Ask yourself - do I have a consistent contact point? Am I hitting the ground in the same spot each time?
If contact is not consistent or clean, do DRILL 2.8
Drill 2.8 is the entire golf swing simplified to the 3 basic motions of Tilting, Turning, and Extending. More simply, if you keep your head steady and TILT, that will take care of the entire backswing and downswing for you - eliminating tons of swing thoughts.
It's easy to want to work on all the small pieces but what you'll find is that a lot of the small pieces happen when you:
Keep the Arms Straight
Keep the Weight Forward
Tilt with your head in place
Try simplifying the action for your mind to process it during the swing.
I hope this helps!
For what it's worth I am using something called a divot board. It's a small green mat (about 18" x 8") and has a yellow "ball" and 2 parallel lines on it. When you strike the "ball" your club makes a white impression on the mat that shows both where you struck relative to the ball and the club path. Then you sweep the club back along the white "path" and it resets the original green/yellow combo. It works well for me. I believe it is at
I asked this same question a while back. Tom Suggested the spray foot powder on the matt. Spray it down in front of the impact zone and see if you disturb it. (i didn't do it because in not very bright...) I believe he also said chalk might work. I did try that but I did think it worked.
Good question about whether I take a divot on a mat.
I am playing at an indoor digitized facility. Like my game before, as soon as I switch from a range format and play a course I can't hit the ball with any consistancy.
Good question about whether I take a divot on a mat.
I am playing at an indoor digitized facility. Like my game before, as soon as I switch from a range format and play a course I can't hit the ball with any consistancy.