if anyone saw my post from a few days ago on my replica of Tom‘s backstop, you can sort of see it completed in this video!
also, I’m working on the tilt turn extend drill while maintaining the wedge. most of the time the ball shoots off to the right or i miss the sweet spot of the club and it buzzes through to my hands. I seem to make better contact when I swing as you see in the video, all though I look really stiff. not sure if I’m doing this right, but the feel I’m getting that i think is right is that the tilt, turn, extend all together makes the club feel like it’s really going around my body. Odd feeling but also oddly feels correct..
I also definitely topped the ball a little in this.
Yes, my intention was to get feedback from other Saguto golfers. I will definitely be taking advantage of the V1 Video analysis myself soon. By the way, just last night in my garage, the arm connection above the elbow to the sides of the body, and shoulder DOWN changed the game for me... pairing this all with the proper address which I have been drilling the feel into my body every day for the last few weeks. The ball is absolutely rocketing off the club, swinging at like 40-50%.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to us on this forum. Much appreciated.
@joey puvel - You may have seen me respond elsewhere that I must do my best to refrain from engaging in personal swing analyses here in the Forum - whether it be video or still photo sequences - as it conflicts with the V1 services I offer. I'm sure you understand. However, this does not preclude other members from commenting on such uploads, and many of the "regulars" here have a solid knowledge of the swing and can offer very valuable insight from their respective experiences. I encourage you to look at other Forum posts to learn who some of these folks are, and then feel free to tag them here to ask for input.
This one feels the best I think… I do some rehearsals of the backswing with the tilt, turn, and extend Motions against the “wall”. then go right into a swing. you can feel the proper tilt, turn, and extend like imprinted on your spine when you do this.. helps me a lot.
😮 this one felt so much better