I often have a scenario like this one during a round: 142 yard shot. A 9 iron for me will probably be short unless I kill it and an 8 iron goes too long. The choices have pros and cons: over swing on a 9 I could push right or hook it. Try to baby an 8 I could push right or chunk it. Another choice is to take an 8 or even 7 and choke down while making standard swing. Tom, curious on how you handle this scenario.
@kelton4 - A few thoughts:
1) If at all possible, compare your yardages and ball flight at the range - without changing your normal swing speed - at full length, choked down 1", and choked down 2". Hit several balls with each scenario to get your averages. Toss out any bad mishits from the accumulated data. This should give you an indication of the relative effect of gripping down, understanding of course that range balls do not typically fly as far as your playing balls.
2) Perfect the Flying Wedge to the point where you can execute the knock-down shot predictably at will with a variety of clubs. Then record your distances to determine - for example - how a knocked down 7 compares to a nuked 8, etc.
3) Understand that how you are feeling while playing is going to affect your distances. For example, if you're having a good day of ball striking, scoring well, and it's getting to be later in the round, you may be jacked up to the point where you are effortlessly carrying your 9 iron 8 iron distances. This is an "in the moment" variable that only you will know while you are - well - in the moment. 😎
I hope that helps!