Hello dear community,
I’m a bit lost with my swing and don’t really know what I should work on to progress from here.
Here is what I have been working on:
- Accelerating right shoulder: Did a V1 analysis with Tom a few weeks back and the main feedback is that the club is coming too much from the inside on the downswing because my right shoulder is staying stuck, and hips are bumping too much forward to try to hit the ball. I’ve been trying to really accelerate the arms while keeping hips quiet but I see very little change in subsequent videos. In the video linked below, I’m thinking “come over the top“ and ”swing hard left” and I’m still coming 20° from the inside :-D
- Drill 2.8: When doing a short backswing and short follow through with club pointed down + flying wedge I’m getting good contact but some days I still have the problem of coming too much from the inside, which give me top shots, hooks, hitting behind the ball etc. I also try to keep my back leg straight and hips quiet to prevent the inside arc but it doesn’t seem to help.
In the attached video I put a slow mo of down the line and face on. What I don’t like:
- I think I’m very much scooping the ball through impact
- Still hitting the ball by only bumping the hips, no shoulder rotation, club too much inside.
I’m a bit lost and don‘t know what to work on here. I have so much different swing thoughts now that my level on the course has really regressed.
Thanks for your help !!
Well done, Martin! Yes - each new pass through the content does have a tendency to reveal new previously hidden nuggets of golden info. That's a result of the deeper understanding we are incrementally gaining as a result of our hard work and progress.
Thanks for the update, and keep up the great work!!