Been using the pre-set hip turn in set up and I shot a 89 yesterday. First time I ever shot below 100!! This little adjustment is a game changer for me bc of my hip surgery and limited range of motion.
There's really no drawback to speak of, Aaron. Try it and see how it works for you. As I've mentioned, Steve Elkington preset his hips and straightened his trail leg in his setup when he was learning S&T...and even played tour events doing that!
Happy I stumbled upon you and your site. Everything helps. Question: On video I see an ”over active right hand” where instinctively my right hand starts the “hit impulse” and the turn. The right hand even leads the right shoulder. Result is OTT. I am not alone. What ever first move I try, the right hand wants to take over with a throw from the top, Please give your Saguto Golfers some direction/drills on how to deactivate the right/trail hand … or move it differently. I am one swing thought from much better golf. I am a new member and haven’t found the right drill on your site. Please point me in the right direction. Thank you.
Welcome to the school and to this awesome members forum community, @jaeysedlacek!!
There's plenty of content in the school on the trail arm/hand, but for your issue the Downswing chapter of Fixing Common Swing Problems likely contains the appropriate drills. Have a look at the diagnostic video Problem #1 - Steep/OTT and the drills that follow. Also, you may find the two "Load the Trail Arm" drills in the Early Extension/Casting section to be of benefit.
Also, I suggest that you give some serious consideration to the LagShot training aids that you may have seen me speak about and demonstrate. I think it's fabulous and a lot of SagutoGolfers are reaping great benefits from it. For example, here is a comment posted by fellow member @Ian "Twiggy" Jones who just posted his personal best this past weekend: "I spent this last week really training hard with the lagshot 7 iron.... I have to say that the lagshot (and when you understand it fully) really has raised my game to my expectation levels. I probably hit around 200 shots last week with it, focusing on the feel so when I was hitting my normal irons, I could feel exactly where the clubhead was at all times."Here is a link to the LagShot website, and if you do end up deciding to purchase be sure to enter the code SAGUTOGOLF at checkout for 15% off.
Tom, what’s the drawback of presetting the hip turn, leg straight? I have no mobility issues.
just one less thing to do.
power reduction maybe?
Thank you, Tom. Your drills were spot on. I have found the happy zone. It will take some work to ingrain it.
Awesome!! Nice job taking ownership of the "Elkington Preset", @g.segall!!
Thanks for sharing your success with this and keep up the great work!!