@Steven Johnson - I agree with @Rudi (from Munich) that you should take some video if possible so you can see exactly what is happening. In addition to what he mentions, focus on what your head is doing as you take the club back. Is it staying in place or is it moving (up or down, targetward or backward)? This will offer some clues.
Also, feel free to post your videos in the Forum's Video Analysis Room for fellow members to review and offer their thoughts. While I don't personally review these as it conflicts with my V1 service, you may be pleasantly surprised by the knowledge base and helpfulness of this great community!
@Steven Johnson - I agree with @Rudi (from Munich) that you should take some video if possible so you can see exactly what is happening. In addition to what he mentions, focus on what your head is doing as you take the club back. Is it staying in place or is it moving (up or down, targetward or backward)? This will offer some clues.
Also, feel free to post your videos in the Forum's Video Analysis Room for fellow members to review and offer their thoughts. While I don't personally review these as it conflicts with my V1 service, you may be pleasantly surprised by the knowledge base and helpfulness of this great community!