I like to post my experiences just incase it relates to someone else. I've learned a lot from hearing other stories.
What I discovered today while hitting PWs at the park was, having relaxed arms throughout the swing gave me KFC and more distance. I realized that relaxed arms made me use my body turn, back and through the swing. Its tricky to do because you have to maintain straight arms and a firm enough grip but, once you trust it, its effortless. I realized during this new swing process that , I was very tight everywhere. Im trying to turn my shoulders down and keep left arm straight and across my chest and fire the right arm via the " hogan elbow". All of these moves equaled tension.
Tom, if your reading this, can you post a video about tension in the arms if you agree. I know you mentioned it several times but somehow I over looked this.
Wow! this is a great tip and reminder. I tend to grip the club too tightly AND have tension in my arms so I’m going to focus on this week. Thanks for the reminder!
(35) Managing Tension in Your Golf Swing | SagutoGolf Weekly E-Tip #12 | Tom Saguto, PGA | SagutoGolf - YouTube