Greetings fellow gofers & golfettes,
Well definitely seems like we are having an earlier cold and snowier season for this part of CO. Or maybe because of the renewed passion for the game this past year, just seems that way not sure!
But pulled the car out of the garage & put the "garange" into to full mode last week and will probably do it again today.
Fired up the Big Buddy propane heater and preheated the range and turned it down a bit and got going. I think it's going to show big rewards on the course not letting the rust or inactivity get to this abused older body! 😋
The Divot Board being my most recent addition to the practice aid arsenal, along with the 3 Lag Shot clubs(7 iron only one I us on the garange). Wedge & Driver Lag Shot work better outdoors and much safer for the garage!😄 What a awesome feedback device the Divot Board is! I bought the replacement pad along with the original board because I foreseen a lot of work with it over the winter. Right off the bat it showed me a setup fault that had crept in. I was hitting balls fine I thought and the board showed I was a little behind the ball, what? After analyzing, notice I had slowly without noticing, the ball placement had moved from a clubhead inside my left heel to right on the heel! Once I adjusted that it was where it should be. I have that found adding this device to routine helps maintain focus on keeping hands forward and weight forward through the swing. As well as really focusing on crispy contact.
Definitely recommend this aid!
Hope you all are hanging there for those of you who have to deal with a true winter season. And those of you that are still able to play I am jealous. Although we do get an occasional chance out here to get out in the winter. Just seems a bit more less likely this winter, we shall see!
Blessings to you all!
@Steven Sounds like an awesome way to keep working in the swing! Keep it crispy Steven!